A new beginning

A new beginning

Well first and foremost welcome to our new blog!

In this post we are going to be talking about Shopsmart and what's planned for the next few months. As you may or may not know we have a Loyalty Card E-Wallet app for both Android and IOS. Whilst the app has done remarkably well, given that we have spent next to no time and money to promote it. It's definitely in need of a revamp so watch this space!

We will be providing regular updates on the progress of the new app and a few lucky people will get to test it before it's released. How good is that!

Business as usual

Our app isn't ready just yet, so keep an eye on the Shopsmart website for more information and updates about the exciting changes we have planned. The current version of our app is still available for download and use so if you haven't got it, please see this page for more details. We don't have to reiterate the benefits of using a Loyalty Card E-Wallet like Shopsmart as the benefits sell themselves.

Other news

In the background we have been working on some exciting new products that will enable a far richer shopping experience. If this of interest to you, then please check back often. We are working hard in the background to add new products and services including a mailing list.

Keep in touch!

That's about it from us. Short and sweet. Be sure to come back and see what we are doing. If you're want to reach out to us you can, say hi hello at shopsmart.ai

Sean Kerr
